Photo: Flickr user lifeontheedge

Thursday, June 22, 2006

1. Yet another reference to Wikipedia that calls it simply "Wiki". This is why Wetpaint didn't put the word 'Wiki' in their name: the battle for wikipedia != wiki is probably lost.

2. And yet another blogger (Fred Wilson, who coined the term "red hat wikipedia" 6 months ago) is nonplussed: "If I am not notable enough for inclusion in Wikipedia, so be it. But I do think that the one Fred Wilson they include is hardly notable, particularly when compared to the artist, the chessmaster, the rockband, and me (probably in that order)."


Anonymous said...

WetPaint is for mass consumption, it's a lot easier to use  than traditional wikis.

Ben Yates said...

When I asked the wikipedia irc channel (half-seriously) why wikipedia/mediawiki didn't have an interface like this, the only response was someone telling me I was free to customize my profile's javascript and CSS.

Echos of "Doing so-and-so in Linux is easy! All you have to do is modify a few top level configuration files!" Which is to say, I wasn't complaining that I couldn't figure out how to use mediawiki, but that other people might have trouble. (I'm just griping; I'm fairly sure mediawiki will get there eventually, and probably with a nicer-looking end product.)

Giacomo said...

A brief but interesting article on the
href=""> social history of the AIDS

Giacomo said...

A brief but interesting article on the
href=""> social history of the AIDS